Looking to volunteer?  Want to help in a ministry?

Here at St. John Lutheran Church, we believe that ministry is what we do for God’s glory based on where He has placed us, how He has gifted us, and what He has called us to do according to His infinite wisdom and for the proclamation of the gospel.

Ministry is about giving of ourselves and our time, talents, and resources to bless and help others. There are numerous ways to be active in the life and ministry of the church. If you are interested in joining these ministries or learning more, please contact the church office at 920-845-5250.


The Board of Elders exists to ensure the spiritual care of the congregation, supervise everything pertaining to congregational worship and to provide spiritual welfare and support to the pastor(s) and their families.  

Altar Guild

St. John’s Altar Guild is responsible for the timely changing of the paraments to reflect the liturgical or season of the church year.  They are also responsible to ensure that the paraments are cleaned and maintained. 


The Evangelism team drives outreach projects that connect St. John’s to the community and the community to St. John’s. We do these projects so we may help to fulfill St. John’s mission of “providing hope by reaching out and connecting people to Jesus through the Holy Spirit and encouraging them to share the same Good News.” Examples of our programs are: Diaper Express, College Care Packages and Christmas Giving Tree Project.  

Apron Gang

Apron Gang is a monthly meal ministry here at St. John’s.  If you know someone that could benefit from a homemade meal and treats, please let us know.  We all know someone that is going through health issues, physical challenges, financial struggles, emotional needs, and spiritual issues.  Our ministry is used to provide a meal to remind that food will fill the body but God’s love will fill your soul.  Our monthly meal distribution is usually scheduled for the first Saturday of the month. Our next distribution date is Saturday, March 1st.  Please let us know the Sunday prior if you would like to have someone included.

Blankets for Babies

Each year in early spring, our talented seamstresses make blankets and provide them to parents and grandparents with babies and toddlers.  Any leftover material scraps are crafted into doll blankets, burp pads, etc. to be handed out along with the diapers.

Grief Share

Many of us suffer immense grief at the loss of a loved one.  Grief Share is an opportunity for those who are bereaved to meet with other others who have also suffered the loss of a loved one.  The program is a series of DVD’s and discussion on the process of grief with a Christian component.

Kitchen Committee

Our kitchen is used extensively.   This committee oversees all things involved with the kitchen from counting the number of pots and pans to setting rules and procedures and even to cleaning.  


Stewardship guides the members of the congregation in being good managers of time, talents, possessions and opportunities God has entrusted to them.  This ministry works to make our new member experience welcoming, prepares our church directory, coordinates blood drives and creates and sends birthday and anniversary cards to all members. 


Board of Education

The Board of Education (BOE) guides the educational ministry of the church by supporting children's LIFE hour, confirmands, youth groups, adult education (Bible Studies and LIFE Groups) and all other educational programs.  This ministry focuses on educational opportunities that encourage and nurtures the life-long process of faith development. 
